Wednesday 30 May 2012

Pg. #80-91

These 11 pages in the novel are extremely critical. Something BIG happens, and there is a lot of information and detail about it. So first of all, Red starts talking about Jailbreaks and says they happen from time to time. After Andy told Red his post escape plan, Red started to believe he was actually going to escape. He though about going with him, but the idea scared him too much. Warden Norton had eyes like a hawk on Andy, it was going to be hard for him to pull this off. But in 1975, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Redemption State Prison, and hasn't been recaptured since. Morning of March 12th 1975, the guards of Shawshank counted the inmates in Cellblock 5, but were 1 prisoner short. The guards soon discovered Andy Dufresne was missing. The employees at the higher power immediatley came down to the Cellblock, and when they looked in Andy's cell, they saw no one. The wailing horn went off, the warden was notified, the state police were alerted, and a search of the prison was in effect. Andy's cell wasn't searched for 12 hours after he was reported missing, it was then that they found out how he had gotten out. The poster. It was Linda Ronstadt by now. A poster hung in the exact same spot above his bunk for twenty-six years. When Norton pulled back the poster, a huge gaping hole in the concrete wall was revealed. From the day Andy asked for that Rita Hayworth poster, he began framing a plan. Andy hammered at the same spot covered by a poster for 19 years. He went through 4 feet of concrete, and following after that was 2 feet of pipe space. There was an extremely narrow pipe down which Andy shimmied straight into a master sewage pipe that emptied into a stream outside the prison. When the guards searched the hole in Andy's cell, they discovered blueprints; clearly Andy knew where he was going. The guards discovered all of this over 20 hours after he had escaped; Andy was long gone. This was is my favourite part of the story so far. I am so happy that Andy Dufresne finally escaped from Shawshank because he was completely innocent in the crime he was in for. I love how Andy escaped, and that nobody expected it. Stephen King described it in perfect detail, making sure the reader couldn't miss a single thing.

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