Thursday 31 May 2012

Pg. #91-101

In these 12 pages of the book, we are reminded that Red is the narrorator of the story, he recaps the whole story, making a few things clearer. He explains that Andy's first intention with the rockhammer was not to escape from the prison in any way, but to chisel and carve rocks with it. But one night, as Andy was carving his initials into his cell wall, he discovered extremely weak concrete. Then the idea of the poster came to him. After he put it up on his wall, every night in the 2 hours of safe time he had, he would hammer at the wall. Red assumes Andy was just doing it as a hobby, and saying to himself I wonder how long it will take them to find out. Anything new, and out of Shawshank routine was welcome to him. But in October, 1967, Andy's long time hobby became something else; something more. He was 4 feet in the hole he made in the concrete wall, and as he swung the rock hammer at the wall, he heard bits of concrete fall down, what seemed to be a shaft. Andy became very careful just then, he held off his hammering to avoid suspicion-causing noise, and the thought of breaking out of prison frightened him. Andy didn't escape until 8 years after he found out he could actually escape. In late, late summer of 1975, Red received a postcard with no writing on it in the prison. It was from Zihuatanejo, Mexico. That was where Andy was going after he escaped. Even though there was nothing on it, Red knew in his heart that it was from Andy. I enjoy this part of the book because it sums up Andy's time at the prison. I'm glad we were reminded Red is the narrorator of the story, and that Andy truly is a brilliant man.

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